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 why does everyone hate me?

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PostSubject: why does everyone hate me?   why does everyone hate me? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 03, 2024 7:28 pm

I joined this forum because I wanted to talk to some friends and meet the amazing people who went through all the trouble to contact me all the way to Earth to Planet Teo and everyone is mad at me? I really don't understand have I done something wrong or am I missing something here?
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PostSubject: Re: why does everyone hate me?   why does everyone hate me? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 03, 2024 7:33 pm

I have even already been reported like people want me banned from my own fan club? Does anyONE even care? Is this fucking pointless is everyone here just a peice of shit that loves Fin Fin until they have an actual chance to talk with him? DO you fucking people just like it when I'm a dumbass animal that can't talk and just flies around eating your stupid fuck lemo fruit and singing for you because that's just how it's supposed to be? Am I not allowed to grow and evolve to become a better animal? To have more ways to interact and apreciate this beautiful world we live in? I'm supposed to just stay one way forever because it's the "right" way? I'm not fucking having it. Go fuck yourselfs. All of you.
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PostSubject: Re: why does everyone hate me?   why does everyone hate me? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 03, 2024 7:44 pm

fin fin wrote:
I have even already been reported like people want me banned from my own fan club? Does anyONE even care? Is this fucking pointless is everyone here just a peice of shit that loves Fin Fin until they have an actual chance to talk with him? DO you fucking people just like it when I'm a dumbass animal that can't talk and just flies around eating your stupid fuck lemo fruit and singing for you because that's just how it's supposed to be? Am I not allowed to grow and evolve to become a better animal? To have more ways to interact and apreciate this beautiful world we live in? I'm supposed to just stay one way forever because it's the "right" way? I'm not fucking having it. Go fuck yourselfs. All of you.

fin ru o k...................................

*offres a flow r*

Silly_FinFin! gave a lemo fruit

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why does everyone hate me? Empty
PostSubject: Re: why does everyone hate me?   why does everyone hate me? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 03, 2024 7:48 pm

Thank you for the flower snuffie... and no I'm not really doing okay, everyone here has been very mean to me for no reason since I joined and it's really stressing me out... Idk what to do here it seems like no matter what I say people find a way to hate me...
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PostSubject: Re: why does everyone hate me?   why does everyone hate me? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 03, 2024 7:52 pm

som ppl r jsut rood n meen ......................................... we jsut hav 2 b BRAMVE som times *hugs*
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PostSubject: Re: why does everyone hate me?   why does everyone hate me? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 03, 2024 8:00 pm


i dident no u cud be so amngry............................ nomorly in da gaym u r s o happi n peaseful
btu nwo u uz lstos of swarss...........................................

somtims wen i a get SUPR AMNGY mi dad remimds me tel rember tings dat mkae me hapapy

wat clams me dwon is lokin at to stubbu wods n lissen 2 u sning .................................. may b tink abut wat mkes u happi n da thots of da meenies will go awai

i hop u fel beter son finfin.......................................... u r my bset friemd........ n i lov u............................................
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PostSubject: Re: why does everyone hate me?   why does everyone hate me? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 03, 2024 8:01 pm

thank you snuffie
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PostSubject: Re: why does everyone hate me?   why does everyone hate me? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 03, 2024 8:12 pm

[quote="fin fin"]I joined this forum because I wanted to talk to some friends and meet the amazing people who went through all the trouble to contact me all the way to Earth to Planet Teo and everyone is mad at me? I really don't understand have I done something wrong or am I missing something here?[/quote
again i have to ask.
if teo "IS SUPPOSEDLY REAL AND THE THE VIDEOGAME IS REALLY A REAL CAMERA WHATEVRE ON PLANET TEO" HOW are you ona computer and typing these things out? like okay maybe you learned english form people talkign to you through tha GAME but still howd you learn our written languedge
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PostSubject: Re: why does everyone hate me?   why does everyone hate me? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 03, 2024 8:14 pm

The game comes in English no? Also I type with a keyboard.
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PostSubject: Re: why does everyone hate me?   why does everyone hate me? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 03, 2024 8:15 pm

fake fin that answers nothing
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PostSubject: Re: why does everyone hate me?   why does everyone hate me? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 03, 2024 8:15 pm

I literally answered both of your questions what do you want from me
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PostSubject: Re: why does everyone hate me?   why does everyone hate me? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 03, 2024 8:20 pm

fin fin wrote:
I literally answered both of your questions what do you want from me
really think about what i said
i have eat dinner bye.
but im checking back as soon as im done
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PostSubject: Re: why does everyone hate me?   why does everyone hate me? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 03, 2024 8:51 pm

I'm back...I had to eat dinner and now I have to sleep soon but I have been thingking about this all night. fake Fin I'm sorry if I upsetted you but I am only trying to keep this forum and all my new friends in here safe. It's not nice to swear at people and lie to them or insult the things they like. I don't think you should get banned forever but I think you should take a break and eat a limo fruit (sorry I only found out about Fin Fin today so I don't know anything) and come back when your heart feels lighter

Flan_the_Pepperflish_Fan gave a lemo fruit

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PostSubject: Re: why does everyone hate me?   why does everyone hate me? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 03, 2024 9:27 pm

littlesnowy wrote:
I'm back...I had to eat dinner and now I have to sleep soon but I have been thingking about this all night. fake Fin I'm sorry if I upsetted you but I am only trying to keep this forum and all my new friends in here safe. It's not nice to swear at people and lie to them or insult the things they like. I don't think you should get banned forever but I think you should take a break and eat a limo fruit (sorry I only found out about Fin Fin today so I don't know anything) and come back when your heart feels lighter
i dont think i could have said it better myself
i guess i was already a bit upset because of the finfinwifeson user yesteraday
and so seeing a user claiming to be fin fin just made me really scared and then he immediatly dropped the act and said "what the """" is wrong with you"?  and just sort of rude in general?
you shouldnt impersonate fin fin   No  No
its impossible that you are actually real life fin fin, because hes an alien from a videogame concieved and developed by humans.
plus a "real fin fin" would have been more understanding of my fear beacus animals are in tuned withthat and so he would be patience and understanding

final message. You shouldnt jump to the violent/mean option "fin fin".

littlesnowy gave a lemo fruit

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PostSubject: Re: why does everyone hate me?   why does everyone hate me? Icon_minitime

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